It's hard enough to believe that a candidate for President Of the United States can make remarks suggesting that it is somehow alright to perpetrate sexual assault on women on the basis of some form of elitism,either of me over women,or the one percent over the rest of the peons or both.What's even harder to stomach is the number of people on social media that,if they have not bought into the idea of this being"just locker room talk",suggest that it's time for the rest of us to "forgive" Mr.Trump for his indiscretions.Presumably these people,or at least some of them are Evangelicals,citing forgiveness as a Christian value.The problem is that there is a certain model of forgiveness that IS Christian.But I'm not seeing this model here,just something vaguely similar to it.So lets give this some thought.
To Donald Trumps credit,he has stated he is not proud of having made the comments he has.very good,that's a start.It also acknowledges the need for forgiveness in his particular case.moreover,the many comments on social media likewise note that forgiveness is called for,because there is something that needs to be forgiven.The problem is,forgiveness is to be based on repentance.Forgiveness without repentance cheapens the whole concept.
One person commenting on my Facebook page in the past few days made a no doubt well meaning quote from Psalm 51,Davids Psalm of repentance.Therefor,the author of this comment said,we should all forgive Donald Trump.Well,that's a nice sentiment,but I simply note one key difference between King David and Donald Trump.King David was broken over his wrongdoing.And the day I hear anything like that from Donald Trump,i'll believe that he is similarly broken.
In the meantime,and since some choose to bring this issue into the realm of faith,where it does in fact belong,lets consider why Trumps comments are not simply locker room talk,unseemly,but rather harmless.
The problem with talk is that it represents ideas.It expresses a certain mindset.In the case of Mr. Trump,those are ugly and erroneous ideas.The video in question was ugly to hear and can not simply be dismissed,because long after you forget,of wrongly forgive the talk,the idea will still be there,unless there is genuine repentance.Now have we heard that? Think back to the early days of this dog and pony show.It's been one thing after another since Trump's campaign began.This latest talk is just flavor of the week ignorance,and no matter how much one wishes it away,it keeps rearing it's head.
What specifically is wrong with Mr.Trump's "locker room talk",from a faith perspective? First,where do women come from? from the rib of a man,from the DNA of the first created man,a being created in God's image.Woman was not simply a subset of man,but rather,both are subsets of Our Father,who encompasses both.Therefor,to demean women is to demean man as well.But,the biggest problem is that in so doing,Mr.Trump is really presenting an affront to God.And that is something Evangelicals need to come to terms with before election day.
If it seems fit to forgive Mr.Trump for those actions that he says he's not proud of,then do that.But I haven't heard anything that convinces me that he is at all sorry for what he's said.I'm also not convinced that even if a person were truly sorry for such things,that the thought processes that give rise to that sort of speech can be overcome in a matter of weeks,if ever.Speaking from experience,and even with the help of The Holy Spirit,dealing with my own sin is an ongoing process,as it is for every one of us.And I don't presume to know the state of Mr.Trumps soul.But,if he is not ready for The Office Of President,and by virtue of observable behavior he would seem not to be,then he should stand down. That's not going to happen,so it's up to all of the electorate,including Evangelicals to search their souls before casting their votes.So,if you're going to forgive,reread your scripture and make sure it's really warranted.Make certain that offense to God is not an ongoing thing.And remember,even if it's not,accountability might still entail that Mr.Trump not be elected.
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