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Monday, 26 September 2016

Donald Trump-time to put on your politicians pants.

Well,it's time for the first Presidential Debate.For Donald Trump it's time to step up and show that you belong.I'm guessing that it's not going to happen.I'm guessing that Clinton wins by default,simply because she is a politician,and has been for decades.She knows how to play the game,and that's what will win the debate,and the Presidency.Unless we see a lot more from the Trump camp than we've seen to this point.

I may be missing the point here,but I've yet to see a single thing from Trump that points the way to any clear policy. I've yet to hear any ideas that are not a reaction to some perceived enemy."Lets Make America Great Again." That is a wide and rather vague slogan,and it will draw in some of those who have complaints about their current existence.It's fine,as slogans go,but what does it really mean? We will only come to know what it means in the fullness of time.Slogans don't mean a lot,in terms of management and legislation.I tend to mistrust slogans that are cast larger than life.

To listen to Trump,the slogan might just as well read"Lets Hate Someone." Making America Great seems to mean turning it into a gated community.Build a wall,and make Mexico pay for it.Keep out Muslims.These are just grossly overstated ideas,all based on the mistrust of others.But what else has Trump really said?

Where are the ideas that can turn into clear cut policy?How does Trump plan to deal with ISIS,for instance?It's debate night,so lets be specific.Because keeping Muslims out is not going to work.So how are you going to encourage liberalization of Radical Islam? What actual steps do you intend to employ to bring a popular enlightenment to the Islamic world? Because I don't see casting Muslims,in general as an enemy other to be very helpful in that regard.I'm guessing that mistrust will be returned many times over.So how about telling me what You're going to do to make America accountable in the world.Specific points.And again,Actual threats need to be addressed.How are you going to do that?Again,Specific points.

How are you going to restore American jobs? How are you going to make the economy viable for everyone? Because the elite ten percent,or one percent,or whatever is no measure of how great America is.It's a measure of how far America has fallen.And by the way,Mr.Trump,why not release your tax returns so that we can all see for certain what percentile you belong in.Otherwise I'm inclined to believe what my eyes tell me and believe that you will represent your own interests.And as a billionaire isn't it in your interests to either ship manufacturing to some choice third world country,or to turn America into a card carrying member of that same third world?

Mr.Trump,it's time to put on your politicians pants and show America that you really belong,that your not just a businessman imitating a leader.Show me that you don't hate the majority of Americans,liberals,women,blacks homosexuals,Hispanics,or,in short any one who is not exactly like you-white,right wing,filthy rich and ideologically intolerant.Tell me you really didn't mean it when you mocked a disabled reporter,and say it like you mean it.And while your up there tonight,why don't you apologize for the comment you made about Hiliary not being able to satisfy her own husband.Because that says a lot about who you are,and what you believe the issues to be.By the way,in that regard,the same might be said about you.But some of us get that that is not the issue.

Tell us,in short what you are going to do to represent the average American,in the average American town.Because all of heard thus far is about who you hate,who you want to exclude from meaningful consideration.Because if you can't tell me how you intend to represent Americans in Washington,then I'll believe that what you are really doing is representing Washington,complete with it's business as usual attitudes,to Americans.All that you've really said so far is "Let Them Eat Cake." You have a ton of actual work to do,and unless you do it flawlessly from here on out,Clinton will win for one clear reason.She is a politician and you're not.


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