So what does it really mean when the Republican
Presidential candidate shouts"let's make America great again",or some such closely related slogan.It would seem to suggest that America was great at some point,and that Mr.Trump has some preconceived idea of what made America great.Whatever that notion actually is,and I believe that Mr.Trump is less than completely forthcoming in revealing that publicly,the slogan in and of itself has the ring of an ideal commonly known as American Exceptionalism:American greatness based on a unique American history stemming from The American Revolution,and resulting in a break with European roots that was seen as being more or less complete in political terms.A new way of doing business ,if you will,based on new ,American ideals of Democracy and freedom.As a related idea,this concept also expresses the idea that America bears the responsibility of being a role model to the world in living out democratic ideals.This is sometimes expressed as "A city on a Hill" which enlightens,informs and inspires other nations.And,from this springs an additional; idea,that of American superiority.
But can anyone truly believe in this notion today,in 2016?In fact,was American Exceptionalisn ever a valid idea?It might have worked well in a time when the American reality was that of geographical separation from the power of warring European nations,and at a time when it was forced to direct it's energies toward developing and molding it's own expanding nation.But those conditions hardly exist in today's world.American Exceptionalism seems less well fitted to today's world.
Still,I'm not certain the politicians of any stripe really get this.America is broken,fractured along all of it's social and political cleavages,and as a result is possessed of a malignant anger that's turned inward on itself.Politically,partisanship rules the day. Economically and racially,people have never been more divided.In some circles there is talk of another American Civil War,the only difference being that this time around there is more than one fault line which could conceivably propel America in that direction.That "City On The Hill" is a shimmering mirage that no longer generates even enough light to illuminate it's own feet.
And so it's no real accident I suppose that the political slogans of the season all have to do with restoring American greatness.But we need to look very critically at those who are preaching this American Gospel.To be certain,these men and women are no John Adams or Thomas Jefferson,their ideals are not anywhere near as lofty.But could we reasonably think that they might ever resolve,or even improve what's ailing America today.So,when Mr.Trump says"Make America Great again" what does he mean?What form is that likely to take? Well,part of the idea of greatness is the idea of safety.So,I'm assuming that this implies some notion of "Law and Order" however ill defined that might be at present.It could include a lot of things,but in my mind I have to connect it to some of the ideas put forth by Mr.Trump,ideas based on some of his statements.Ideas like building a wall or a fence,or stopping immigration based on Muslim belief,or country of origin.Presumably it would have some bearing on the armed violence in America as well,on the social conditions which gave rise to groups like Black Lives Matter.Now "Law and Order" is something to be valued to be sure,but how does a potential Republican government intend to bring that about.I'm guessing that it has more to do with a big stick with a lot of clout behind it than it does any notion of social justice.Lest we forget,Donald Trump once mocked a disabled man.And that speaks loudly on his ideas of what value he places on social justice.Yet social justice is foundational to law and order,but remains an elusive ideal in America today.
What does it mean to "Make America Work Again"? Does that mean "Employ Americans" and,if so employ them to do what,to serve whom? Does that mean restoring some hope that people might actually be able to achieve some valued goals,such as advancing themselves socially and economically and seeing their children aspire to a better life than they had?No,that seems far to progressive to suit an essentially conservative,elitist laissez faire capitalist mindset.And,speaking of capitalists,who was it that actually exported American industry? So,does anyone really believe a right wing shift in government is going to be the solution to a problem that was caused in no small part by just such a mentality?
If ,on the other hand making America work refers to overcoming a deeply dysfunctional nature in all things American at the moment,I could hardly argue that this is a bad idea.But where does one start? Again the problem is one of social justice,and of putting off long entrenched ideals.America needs first to put it's own house in order.It needs to hold forth an ideal that offers something of relevance and value to it's own individuals and communities.It needs to rethink the idea of maintaining an military industrial complex,of tying economic well being to the reality of permanent war,which cannot exist without omnipresent enemies even if those enemies have to be imagined or manufactured.It's a supreme irony that I quote a former Republican President in this regard:"Tear down this wall."
America also has to deal with legitimate enemies,in legitimate ways.Right by might is called for from time to time,and America needs to be adequately strong militarily,but it also needs to find other ways to deal with enemies both within and without.Right now it's too much like that athlete with all the physical prowess in the world that thinks there is no need for it to set a moral example,to be a role model of virtue.America needs to totally rethink itself in terms of what makes it legitimate in the eyes of others.Because hatred does not arise organically in a vacuum.So what could America do to offer others,with very different worldviews ways to respect it?A great place to start would be to assert the true status of The War on Terror.In other words,make it clear that this war is the function of terrorist behavior,not a war on Islam.Stop insisting on democracy at gunpoint in those countries that have no historical tradition of democracy.Insist instead that those nations articulate and achieve some acceptable human rights goals,and reinforce them economically and politically for doing so.And above all,make human rights a priority within Americas own boundaries.Reaffirm the ideals of American Democracy.Because any legitimate form of American Exceptionalism must be founded on the highest possible standards.Americas founding ideas were good ones.Not perfect,but some of the best, idealistically, the world has ever produced.But America needs to put a lot aside in the way of it's own hypocrisy and start living it's own ideals before it imposes any ideals on others.The crucial question is,are there any among it's leaders that are capable of and willing to do so?
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