My Blog List

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Christian Carrion Eaters

So far this blog is having more to do with gun issues than I would have liked.Perhaps that will  die down,hopefully for a long time.But I'm not really counting on it.

What I wanted to point out,and today is a good day to do it,is that the tragedy in Orlando brought out some familiar faces.It wasn't more than a few hours,surely the bodies were not even cold when those fine "Christian"carrion eaters at Westboro Baptist Church showed up proclaiming the shooter to be appointed by God to eliminate"fags". If you are not familiar with these people,you can check them out,view their videos.Although I don't suggest you view much.A few minutes ought to give you the general idea.

I just want to say,maybe to point out the obvious here,but this kind of ministry does not work.Simply,you will not bring souls to Christ,as we are instructed to do.Westboro Baptist Church simply is preaching apostasy,not Christian doctrine.The key mistake in this sort of preaching is that salvation is based on a relationship,not law.It is achieved by God's grace through the Blood Of Christ.For those of us who have received that salvation,who wish to carry out Gods Great Commission,we can only do that by establishing relationships with other persons.It simply will not work any other way.It must follow the model.And it can never do that if it's built around one verse of scripture rather than a whole and wholly reasonable system of belief.If that's what preaching does,it's dogma and nothing else.Westboro's bible seem to stop at Leviticus18:20,while the Holy Bible has a few more pages.Westboro's insane rants fly in the face of Christian Scripture,and in particular New Testament teaching,beginning with John 3:16.

But of course,they will defend such hateful preaching to the bitter end.They will cite the story of Sodom And Gomorrah as their authority.And,by the way,that's a great story to examine in more detail sometime.But,in the mean time,I suggest that how others orient themselves sexually is of less importance than hoe Christians orient themselves to  others who need God's Grace,as we all do.

When I first attended church,as a new Christian,some twenty years ago,there seemed to be a lot of  wisdom,especially among the older members.One of the first things someone told me was that I needed to be careful of what I said to unbelievers because"You might be the only Jesus they ever see." I guess word hasn't gotten around to Westboro Baptist Church yet.


Monday, 27 June 2016

a pilot project.

The media today,here in Canada is carrying a rather fascinating tale about the Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal.It seems they have instituted a pilot project in some of it's churches,but not in others that requires priests and other church employees from being alone with children.

While I can understand the reasoning here,it causes no shortage of head scratching, on my part  at least.Recent history,and perhaps not so recent history as well would seem to furnish an obvious need for such a policy on the one hand.On the other hand,it seems that the church is simply responding to the society that it finds itself in,that society tending to have a cynical and increasing litigious orientation towards religion in general and to Catholicism in general.So I  wonder,is the thrust of this pilot project more about protecting children,which you would think would fall under the direction of normal,scriptural Christian morals as a matter of course,or about offering a belated and indirect acknowledgement of past wrongs and of trying to cover ones's own...well,bad analogy aside,you get the picture.

And while I'm being my cynical  self,let me ask this.Why is the Eternal,infallible Church undertaking "pilot projects"? Pilot projects seem to be the product of an organization that is not entirely clear on it's theology.But,way back on the other side of the flat earth,so long ago that I don't remember it,the Catholic Church began another pilot project,one that has clearly not stood the test.It was called celibacy.Of course,it became entrenched church doctrine,though it's scriptural basis is not nearly so clear as to make it a moral imperative. It does produce the illusion of moral elitism though and has for a time allowed the church to borrow an undeserved legitimacy based on that illusion.But it was all a house of cards.

So here is the bottom line,short and sweet.I like the new ,common sense "pilot project".But why it's a pilot project,rather than iron -clad church policy is still a mystery to me.I'm also not averse to the protective function of such a project.Cameras tend to keep people more honest than perhaps they would otherwise be. But,as for that centuries old pilot project,surely it's time it was abandoned in favor of granting Catholic clergy the right to marry and a more normal outlet for sexual desire.Clearly it has outlived it's usefulness and our children will all be safer once it is allowed to fall off the edge of the known world.


Wednesday, 22 June 2016

A Facebook Debate.

Yesterday a picture was posted on my Facebook timeline which resulted in a rather lengthy debate between me and the person who posted it.I might add that the individual involved is to be commended for the quality of debate he brought to the discussion,even though I completely disagree with him.

I'm not going to post this picture here.I will describe it briefly.Some of you may even have seen it,but even if you have not,I believe my readers will be able to sufficiently imagine it for the sake of the comments I wish to make .

Picture a man sitting at an older style lunch counter.On his right hip is a large handgun,perhaps not properly holstered-it looks as though it may be just stuck in his pocket,but then again,my eyes are not what they once were,The accompanying caption reads "If you were in a public place,would you feel comfortable with this sitting 10 feet away from your children"?

I answered that I would not,and was later asked by the person doing the posting"why not"? And from that point a rather extensive and productive dialogue took place,which I will relate in part here.

First let me deal with my discomfort as it relates to children as that part is rather simple to answer.I simply feel children,especially younger ones,quite aside from any safety issues,should not be force to deal with the emotional burden involved in the current gun debate.Simple as that.

My original objection to this posting was largely a matter of context,and that is how I answered my friends question as to my discomfort.It's also why I feel this particular posting contributes little to the need debate with respect to guns.My reply was "I'm uncomfortable because,as pictured I have no way to draw necessary conclusions about this individual's  character or intent.He could be a mass shooter,or someone with the real belief that what he was doing is contributing to the greater public safety" Clearly that context is everything,yet the picture seemed to be strongly implying the later.

My friend indeed stated that that was his interpretation based on the picture.And while I strongly disagree,I believe he is honest in his belief.He thought that the sight of an armed man would discourage any potential shooter,and who knows,he may be right?

I proceeded to point out some possible inconsistencies in this view,however,and they are not merely coincidental.The gun toter in question was white.So I suggested,I don't think unreasonably,that the comfort level of many people would decline if the person with the gun were black.If that person were identifiable as Arab,that discomfort would likely approach the irrational range,despite the fact that appearance alone would tell you virtually nothing else about that person.

My friend replied that this was likely true to some extent.But he indicated that  he would be comfortable as long as the person with the gun were American.By this I'm thinking that he meant someone possessed of presumed American values as they relate to guns.So I pointed out that I was white,but a Canadian.And I might add that I'm a Canadian that is quite comfortable in many parts of America.And I'm not typically given to advertising my nationality most of the time either-on either side of the border.Of course,were that me sitting there,my friend would be none the wiser with regard to my nationality or my intentions.And I should point out that,as a Canadian my views regarding guns are informed by a Canadian,not an American social experience in that regard.I won't belabor that here,but perhaps I will take it up at a later date.

I noted further a perhaps less than fully rational reaction to this situation on my own part.Because I'm big on taking ownership of such things.I'm certain my reaction to this situation would different if I were to encounter it in Burlington,Vermont than it would were I to find myself in this situation in say,Beaumont,Texas.

You see,the things I need to know are these:Is the gun carrying citizen moral,well intentioned,not given to excessive anger,and qualified to carry a weapon.Has he been educated in the safe use of firearms.Does he regard gun ownership as a responsibility or an entitlement.Does he have access too and an inclination to access mental health services if he were to need them?

So,while I will never fully agree with the gun lobby,the answer to the above questions greatly impacts my comfort level were I to find myself in a situation like the one pictured.

I wish that people posting such pictures would give more thought to the obvious issues contained in such propaganda,rather that posting them as an implicit statement of belief.And ,most of all,I commend my friend for honestly engaging in the debate process and for diligently challenging my own belief.Were more of the gun lobby people willing to do that,my comfort level with gun owners would increase beyond measure.


Monday, 20 June 2016

Idol Worship?

Back in December of 2012,I wrote an essay on guns,prompted by the tragedy in Connecticut.I labeled it,at that time as a "slaughter of innocents",and I stand by that today.The essay ran into three or four online installments and is as yet unfinished.And I caught some serious flak over my take on gun violence,which I was only too happy to accept,given the grave nature of the problem.

Lately I began dusting off this essay,along with a number of others I'd written while living in Western Canada.The idea was to perfect the lot of them for publishing in print media.

Then Orlando happened.Nothing had changed,things have only progressed from tragic incident to tragic incident.But I've no thought of republishing that lengthy essay here.Instead I've decided to share a piece of writing I did last week at a writers group I attend on Monday afternoons.From beginning to end the writing took about thirteen minutes,Yet it lays out the gun problem in America as I've now come to see it.So here it is in pretty much unedited form:

We used to listen to my mother tell us bedtime stories when we were really small and,for the most part they were stories she'd selected from a big illustrated book Bible stories.At about seven O'clock my younger sister and I would settle into our beds and my mother would begin reading.She would read about Adam and the apple,Daniel and the lions or Noah's ark.But the one story I'm remembering today,right now is the story of Moses bringing God's Law down from the mountain.Thou Shalt Not Steal.Thou Shalt Not Kill.Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery.And so on.

The particular commandment I had in mind,that I've been recalling these past two days,though is the one about  not worshiping idols,about having no other gods than Jehovah..And that thought is brought on by the events of the last couple of days.

The single point I'm trying to get at here is this.Did I learn anything at all from those stories of nearly sixty years ago,that leads up to today in a way that I can clearly see?By today,I mean the last few days.And is there anything in those stories that can help me make sense of the world I find myself in right now?What were those stories about,what was their purpose and do they have meaning in the everyday world?In Orlando,Florida,dozens of people lie dead,yet,when I went to Facebook this morning I still find posting from the gun lobby on my page,mostly from my many friends that live in the American south.I answered those postings using the logic from those childhood stories because lately they've been making much more sense to me than they ever have before.To my misguided,though no less valued friends,I spent a good portion of my morning explaining how America keeps having it's current travails,in large part because it has come to regard guns,and constitutional amendments as having the status of deities,which,of course,they are not.Idols perhaps,but not deity.So I've been asking myself,asking others too,do you really want to keep doing this? How long are we too continue doing that which the old childhood stories,God's Word tells us not to do?

All of this starts and grows with a fierce malignancy because we deify that which we should not,and fail to regard with reverence that which we should revere...God,Humanity and Rule Of Law.But my mother told us that years and years ago.And far from becoming irrelevant or obsolete,It just makes so much more sense in today's world.


Thursday, 16 June 2016

flat Earth pioneers.

Hey readers.I'm thinking of initiating an award each month for that person who best exemplifies the effort to restore a flat Earth.There will be no monetary prize,Blyndpapaya is far too poor for that,but I can recognize those people who have only been walking upright for a generation or two now,and who are diligently trying to square off all those nasty curves and parabolas that our planet is made of,in an effort to push us all over the edge. I've already introduced you to a couple of candidates,and there are more,even multitudes waiting in the wings.Perhaps you have some suggestions.And i promise,I won't even mind if  you suggest me.


too young to begin creating a legacy.

I don't know Cynthia O'Hara ,of Airdrie,Alberta,Canada,in any sense but by the actions she made public last week on social media. Ms.O'Hara posted a picture of her son Jaxon,aged two and a half striking a John Wayne pose with a rifle.It turns out that the rifle is actually a BB gun,and a broken one at that.Clearly it could not be fired.No big deal,right? Kind of cute,showing a tiny child doing a very adult thing,right? Well,that was last week,before Orlando,so I wonder if Ms.O'Hara would like to rethink her actions.

Before the tragedy in Orlando,I was still convinced that the actions of  Ms.O'Hara were wrong,and here's why.It really had nothing to do with the gun.As was noted,it was not capable of posing an immediate threat to anyone.It's not going to kill anyone right away,and neither is Jaxon. Hopefully he will grow to respect firearms and use them safely.I would,in a dozen years or so salute that.Maybe he will grow up to best appreciate guns by their absence,as I have.That would be even better.But my point is,let kids be kids.Not quite three is a bit young to be carving out a legacy,especially when that legacy foreshadows the worst mass shooting in American history. Jaxon is too young at present to understand all the debate swirling around his mothers actions,he's too young to be a media star,even to acquire fifteen minutes of fame,which is about all this amounted to -LAST WEEK.He's far too young to young to understand a concept like historical context,which he got dragged into through doing of his own.but that won't always be the case.At some point he's bound to realize that his involvement in the gun debate is far from ordinary.And that may have unintended consequences,emotionally speaking.I hope his mother can deal with that fact.

We need to take a little closer look at the actions of Cynthia O'Hara's  too.It's alright to be pro gun.It's a stance which is intellectually defensible.If only Ms.O'Hara had anything approaching what could be called intellect,at least in this matter.Sadly it seems too be all about herself,all about her ability to create something that appeals the the brave new world of social media.She openly admits that she posted the photo to get a reaction.That's a shame,because stimulating debate  and getting a lot of "Likes" is no measure of moral character,and even less of a measure of common sense.But maybe Ms.O'Hara is capable of the remorse she should feel for her actions in light of  events that were a few days in the future when she decided to put her son on display for the sake of debate.As I say.I don't know Cynthia O'Hara.

Childhood seems to have changed since I grew up in the 1960's.I don't recall having many wants or worries.Certainly my parents concerned themselves with my safety.And I learned to shoot a gun too-when I was twelve or thirteen.That's long before mass shooting became so tragically commonplace.People seemed to aspire to a higher moral standard back then too,before they were driven stupid by social media and reality TV.Now all they seem to aspire to is being the next Honey Boo Boo's parent,and they can easily do that with a cheap camera or video recorder.Just ask Cynthia O'Hara


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

rediscovering that the world is not flat.

Some things just seem to drop out of the sky at the moment they are most needed.Such was the case while I was trying to think of a witty description for this new blog,something that would serve as a name for this new child of mine,or,if you prefer a theme,or mission statement to help guide things along.Then,as I was listening to my radio today over breakfast it just arrived over the airways perfect and fully formed.

This is what,in summary the news report said: several people are sitting around a campfire  in Brockville,a small town in Ontario,Canada.All is presumably well until an argument breaks out.That argument turns out to be over the shape of the Earth.One party is adamant that the Earth is flat.And someone else tries to reason with that person,presenting various arguments as to why the Earth is round.The clear voice of reason to be certain.Until things escalate.The first party won't back down.And the second person,the voice of reason responds by throwing various things into the fire.Including,at last a propane cylinder.That  prompts a police response.Luckily nobody was killed,but one person is now wanted for mischief after having fled the scene.

Now it seem obvious that something much deeper underlies this story,but it doesn't really matter what that something is.These people are said to be family members,so the incident seems to be the sort of thing that could give rise to redneck jokes or find it's way into the witty monologues of comedians.One also imagines the ingestion of various intoxicants.Not the first time such things have happened and It most likely won't be the last.Best to hear it,have a good laugh and forget it.

Except that it occurs to me that this story contains  a complete metaphor for the world we find ourselves in right at this moment.

By that I mean that the world seems to be increasingly governed by partisan ideologies,intoxicating to be certain from which fewer and fewer people are willing to back down.Think American Politics here people.Think Orlando! Think of a dozen stories that range from the sublime to the ridiculous.

The Earth is obviously round,right? I mean Brockville,for those who don't know is located between Canada's largest two cities,and yet you can't see either from there.So they must be hidden on the downside of a parabola,thus rendering them invisible.Yet you can drive to either in just a few hours.Therefor... Moreover,people have been traipsing around on this side of The Big Puddle for several centuries now,and,even in the beginning,they went back,most several times.And of course  millions of people today still travel to the other side of the globe.And most times,save those rare occasions when somebody misplaces a commercial aircraft while it's still in flight,those people return.Therefor... Oh,and one more thing.When you are in those commercial airliners,you can actually see the curve of the Earth.

But for some people,the Earth is still flat.It's flat because they wish it to be so.They don't all respond to that perceived reality by going into training for The Darwin Awards,as did the knuckle dragging neanderthals Brockville. But they seem to have a million ways of taking the Earth,chiseling away at it's inconveniently rounded sides,until they have reshaped it to their liking.But the real problem is,even though they think they live on a flat Earth,an Earth from which they could easily fall off,THEY NEVER DO.

So here I find myself,writing a blog which I hope a few of you will take the time to read.That blog was conceived in the general era of the American Presidential elections,Orlando,the shooting of a gorilla at the Cincinatti Zoo, ISIS,the death of Mohamed Ali,a marked increase in shooting homicides in the city I live in,Black Lives Matter,the vote in Great Britain to leave the European Community,and dozens of other things both large and small,worrisome and happy,occurring in towns and cities all over this vast orb,in backyards,streets,campgrounds and high offices.

A metaphor is not overly apt if it needs to be explained at length.Some of you are following along with no trouble.For others I assume that the concept of metaphor is something that is beyond you.So,if you are in that category,go on home,open the refrigerator door and pin down that little white button with duct tape.There,you see.The world really is round.Or at the very least,the refrigerator light goes out when you close the door.Just leave those propane cylinders alone,Please.


A brief introduction.

Hello.I'm Blyndpapaya. And I started this blog because I wanted another child.Something that I could,as a longtime writer,bring into this world,nurture,watch grow,and see what becomes of it.

This is my third blog now.I began blogging in 2012.That original attempt I now view as unsuccessful simply because it tried to do too many things.It started out as an online memoir for my family.But I could never really refrain from social commentary,so that ended egg ended up in the same basket.And the,of course,I thought it might be nice to show my readers the lay of the land in the city I was living in at the time.So I posted photo essays as well.Until it all became unmanageable,or,at the very least a rather unruly child.

So I decided to separate this creature into at least two  blogs,of which this is the one  containing social commentary.I may post the memoir blog in a link later.Or perhaps not.

At this point,I could go on and supply an elaborate introduction of myself,but I'm trying for terseness here,so I'm not going to.I live in a large North American city,though I'm not from that city.If you met me,you might find me rather ordinary.Or perhaps eccentric.And more than that I will not tell you.It's not that I'm trying to be arrogant.You see,in many ways I'm still discovering myself and I'd much rather just let the writing do the talking.There are so many things to think about.So,come along if you like...
